
Hello World! こんにちは皆さん!

I’m Norris! American based in Osaka with a simple dream: Being in charge of how and when I work for a decent living. I am also a JET Program alumni.


My ethnic background is Taiwanese, so not exactly the stereotypical American in Japan, but nowadays it’s not that special either. However, I believe everyone’s experiences are unique and can be quite fascinating at times.


#Jetprogram #japan #blog #japanlife #osaka #ブログ #アメリカ人 #大阪

One Chance Works is currently in the works. Think of it as a digital sandbox of sorts. I aim to keep adding content on a weekly basis and hope you will return to check out the growth regularly.

Keep up with my Instagram! @wang_chance

About Me:

Hi everyone!

Bio: Born and raised in Minnesota, I first came to Japan as a study abroad student in my third year of university. After graduating with a bachelor’s degree in political science, I applied for the JET Program and got accepted as an alternate who luckily filled in an opening in Osaka after months of waiting. After JET I stayed an extra year as a direct hire before deciding it was time to move on to a real job.


I’m devoted to the practice of aikido so much so that I want to break free of that 9 to 6 (or whichever time period the 8 hour work day takes place) so that I can freely pursue the art and learn other things. Other pastimes include playing the piano or violin, PC gaming, anime, drawing, writing reviews.

Looking across the Osaka skyline

I decided to put my money where my mouth is and paid for a subscription with WordPress so I can have my own website ad-free with a unique domain name. Making my mark on the Internet and not just in the form of having social media accounts, but creating something I can continuously build and share with visitors as well is something I think worth doing.

I hope readers will return often and become repeat visitors! Where we’ll go will depend on how much work I put in to getting things done here, but in the meantime One Chance Works is going to be like a sandbox of sorts. I’ll be writing whenever I get the chance and hope to put up other forms of media besides text in the coming weeks and months.

First doodle of 2021
All Might from My Hero Academia



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